New year, new you?

Hello and welcome to 2021. Another new year, and you know what it's like - it seems like everyone around you is either thinking about losing weight, eating better, giving up smoking or alcohol, or getting fitter.
That's all great, but what about your stress levels?
No one would argue if I said the last year was not what most of us were expecting, so how are you coping? You might be eating well, exercising regularly, and thinking you are looking after yourself, but have you put measures in place to cope with stress?
Here are some suggestions:
Get outside - even if it's just for 5 minutes. Spend some time in nature. Enjoy the fresh air and sunshine (don't forget the sunscreen!), and relax.
Breathe. Learn how to breathe slowly and deeply. Spend time each day just deliberately breathing. Maybe even try meditation. Here are loads of apps and videos out there to help you learn how to meditate.
Disconnect from technology. Turn off your notifications and email - at least for a part of each day.
Do something creative - try cooking, gardening, photography, needlework, knitting, painting, scrapbooking, singing, or whatever takes your fancy.
Do some exercise. This can be as simple as going for a walk or taking an online yoga class.
Laugh. We laugh more when we are with others, so connect with friends (online or face-to-face) and try to have a good laugh.
And lastly, get some regular reflexology. An hour where you just relax and switch off will do wonders for your stress levels.