Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage
I am one of only a handful of reflexologists in New Zealand trained in Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage (RLD). RLD was developed in the UK and is a series of award-winning reflexology techniques that stimulate the lymphatic reflexes on the feet.
RLD was initially developed to help reduce the tissue swelling (lymphoedema) that many women experience after surgery for breast cancer. However, RLD can be used to reduce any swelling associated with fluid retention, whether it is related to cancer surgery or not, and whether it is in the arms or the legs. To reduce swelling, I suggest a series of at least three weekly treatments and have offered a package at a slightly reduced rate.
To read an article about RLD published by the Federation of International Therapists, please click here.

The funny thing is, before I started treatment I didn't think it would do anything, but thought 'Hey, who wouldn't like a good foot massage'. But it was so much more than that. And while I noticed the improvements as they were appearing, it wasn't until I stopped getting treatment that I realised just how much it had helped me.
Nicole S
Reflexology and the immune system
Because RLD works on the lymphatic system, it may help be used to support anyone with symptoms related to an immune imbalance.
Diseases related to the immune system are common. They may be mild or they may be severe enough to interfere with your quality of life. They often run in families or go together, meaning that you may have several immune-related illnesses.
Conditions related to the immune system include:
Hay fever
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Adrenal fatigue
Thyroid disorders
ME/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
And any other illness where the immune system may be out of balance
I incorporate RLD into any of my treatments if I feel my client would benefit.